DEMOCRACY. For a long time, the idea of “A League of Democracies” has been suggested. How could it influence world politics? Could 2021 be the year when the league is created?
HUMANITY. In “Pieces of the puzzle – Managing migration in the EU” researcher Bernd Parusel argues for a new European immigration policy and system based on human rights, social inclusion and global cooperation. One important conclusion is that if the EU cannot improve and learn from current failures, it will be more or less impossible…
DEMOCRACY. The book The Tribalization of Europe. A Defense of Our Liberal Values by Marlene Wind is a welcomed contribution to discussions about Europe’s future. Wind’s message is that historical lessons are important to act against opportunism and populism.
FASHION. This all-around artist radically changed fashion photography and incorporated it to become an art form in itself. This exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg, in Paris, shows how Man Ray went about to do it.
DECENTRALISATION. Technologies such as 3D printing and Blockchain represent a major trend with growing importance. This is the trend towards technology being used in a distributed, collaborative way, rather than being centrally controlled.
FREEDOM. One of liberalism’s main contributions to human progress are ideas about the free movement for individuals, as in the case of the European Union. Therefore, liberals and other actors need to remember that ideas of free movement are not only about economic aspects. The possibility to move freely and safely also depends on ideas…
INNOVATION. Ibrahim Mo, against all odds in the mid-1990s, set up a telecom business in the middle of nowhere in Central Africa, only to completely change the way of life in that part of the planet 10 years later. This is a wonderful example of what market generating innovations are about, and this is…
ART. L’Exibition(niste) – is a play of words with the English word ‘exhibition’ and the word ‘exhibitionist’. This famous French shoe creator is showing his art in the Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris, for the first time.
WELFARE. The idea of basic income has a long history. In Europe, during the last decades, it has transformed from a theoretical approach to the practical implementation as with the experiment in Finland during 2017-2019.